Tuesday, 13 March 2012

| by Posted by Wind


Adrenaline™ Series

[2.3.6 XWKT7] ➣ Adrenaline™ ROM
[2.3.6 DXKT7] ➣ Adrenaline™ ROM


Unknown said...

Do you have any posts on here imbawind!?

Wind said...

no yet so far ;)

Coldbeer said...

A noob question, i need execute boost command (su, boost) everytime i restart the phone?

Sorry my english, is not my lang


Wind said...

when u want to use it then u need to do that

Coldbeer said...

kk, thanks very much, i have engine and boost, the best scripts for the ace :)

MayconLeonardo said...

Hello Good Day!
First I would like to know the difference between these two rom:
[2.3.6 XWKT7] ➣ Adrenaline ™ ROM
[2.3.6 DXKT7] ➣ Adrenaline ™ ROM
Second, I know she does not have the PT-BR version since I'm Brazilian and need, but I wonder if there is SOME mudanço APK would do this for the EN PT-BR on the 3g work in my country?
Thanks in advance!

Coldbeer said...

Hey man, a question again, today i turn on the AP mobile option (wifi mode) and work great but when turn off the ap mobile this say error and no disconnect, only can turn off after a phone reboot.


PD: sorry my eng, is not my lang,

Wind said...

u can see the differences at XDA link
for the apk u hv mentioned, i hv no idea

what rom u are using?

Coldbeer said...

I have xwkt7 second edition, but today i flashed third edition and work fine but in third edition not work viber, google goggles and others, this apps are flagged how not compatible with galaxy ace.
Thanks for the best rom for the ace.

waikit9288 said...

hey~thanks for your awesome rom=)
can u plz upload a patch in additional feature for those who want the original stock music player? thanks~

Unknown said...

ı need e-mail patch :(

Wind said...

patch one of 3rd edition fixed voip-related apps and gps-related apps problems

Unknown said...

in xda forum, i see there are a way to see if the engine works by use the terminal emulator...

when i tried

getprop | grep ADJ

i got:

[ro.BACKUP_APP_ADJ]: [5]
[ro.HOME_APP_ADJ]: [6]
[ro.EMPTY_APP_ADJ]: [15]

it was little different with what you said it must be,
you said:
[ro.HOME_APP_ADJ]: [1]
[ro.BACKUP_APP_ADJ]: [6]
[ro.EMPTY_APP_ADJ]: [15]

and when i tried

cat /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree

i got:


and again, it was different with what you said,
you said:

what's it mean??
was it normal??
was the Engine work well in my phone?

i use andro-id v3.3.1 ROM

waikit9288 said...

hello..i hope u can send me a winrar of all patch of adrenaline v2..thanks=)

Unknown said...

Will this work for a SGH-T499 on a custom cw7.2 mod phone?

I would like to know as my dart can run a bit faster I know its possible if you can and have the time can you email me at westnile@fastmail.fm I check that frequently.

Unknown said...

a noob question:
after i type boost and use it how do i stop it?

Aztigin said...

hey imbawind..good morning! pls help. i want to change my keyboard into other style like ICS or stock gingerbread keyboard.. pls tell me how to change it. plsss coz i am using ur great rom in my daily life thanks in advance!

Aztigin said...

by the way im from philippines... i am one of ur fan! plss help regarding with the keyboard

Aztigin said...

and also how to change the color of status bar.. =) thanks alot master! gonna wait for ur rply boss..

Doitch said...

first of all, congratulations for your great work!
I've flashed my girlfriend's Galaxy Ace with your "Adrenaline 3rd ed. rom" but I've a problem that's explained here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1818645
Can you help me please?

Anonymous said...

hey man i cant find the downloading link for your rom [2.3.6 XWKT7] ➣ Adrenaline™ ROM please can you provide it thx :)

galaxy ace s5830i

Unknown said...

After installing the V3 ROM what should II expect.

Afterv waiting some minutes after a reboot I see the





black screen with a small blue corner mark on the top left.

How long should it be until the next step happens and what is the next step please?

Unknown said...

from my experiences, the next step shows a loading sign, in my case (used imaginary ics v3) so it showed the ics loading screen, lots of colours and what not. after that it shows you your home screen. be patient though because the ace is not as fast as its counterparts so it takes a while to start up, almost as long as blackberry reboots....

hope that helped.

P.S. the blue triangle in the colour just indicates that your phone has been rooted, its not specific to any type of rom.


Manthan Patel said...

can i have a video installing this rom .. i noob :(


thankx :)

Manthan Patel said...

task manager is not working .. when i open it the phone gets reboot .. :/

fix the problem please

luis Madariaga said...

I'm testing 2.3.6 XWKT7, great job, where I can find applications not installed as the camera?

Unknown said...

Arabic Language ?

Unknown said...

i get a instalation aborted when i try to instal

Unknown said...

galyoung want to ask why I can not intall adrenaline in v.3.
please help me ?

Unknown said...

Why link for download the adrenaline rom is not working

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